Saturday, 28 September 2013

Fashion And Politics

As a matter of fact, fashion has some sort of relevance with politics. Recently, a democratic women organization “Pump out the Vote” arranged a rally for women rights in which Barbara Buono, a gubernatorial candidate, went to join hands with the supporters of the organization in order to raise voice for women rights in New Jersey.

women pumps
She addressed the audience, wearing her flashy red women pumps along with pink long skirt and top. Every woman out there was gazing at her who was enthusiastic and motivated for such a noble cause.
“Women in New Jersey, we know that this governor has a track record of failure when it comes to standing up for women. He is hostile to women. We need real leadership.” - Barbara Buono.

She was raising voice for women privileges and motivating the supporters to gather and support her in defining what women want from the government of New Jersey. She was firm and devoted and had a clear professional look overall. Her attires and footwear were appropriate for the event that attracted so many people and inspired them simultaneously.

It is important to bring your best appearance while going for a political- motivational event like this. Take out your most reliable women pumps for a comfortable feel and wear a formal plus well- stitched apparel. It should be not that loud and it must impress the audience as the more your looks are impressive, the more you will gather attention of the public.

Buono was a self-made and devoted person who never took insurance policies to have a better life style but dependent on the Planned Parenthood in order to keep her healthy and strong. Her dependency upon herself made her appear in the lime light always. She is a well dressed person who attracts people towards the noble causes related to women rights and privileges through her impressive personality and vigilant fashion senses.

1 comment:

  1. She is rising right to be heard for women privileges and inspiring the supporters to meet and hold up her in important comes again? Women want from the government of New Jersey. She was solid and devoted and had a clear expert look in general
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